Hello and welcome to this website.
Welcome to the world of Peppercorn Park, here you can find out more about Daniel Divine and his world, plus all manner of things  that you may find interesting ,such as videos, character profiles and poems. There’s much more to come too, so enjoy your stay and do visit again soon.
Music and poetry has always been a source of healing and inspiration for me. From loneliness to happiness, my lyrics helped me how to love life and learn to know what love is. My hope is that anyone who is struggling in darkness seeking to know their light might be helped by witnessing what I have gone through. I want my poetry and content to be about the people I meet, with their challenges and real life solutions, along with the universal principles that will make our world a better place.

 Copyright © Daniel Divine 2024 All rights reserved

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          PEPPERCORN PARK                      MUSIC                    THE POETRY CHANNEL             A DIVINE LIFE
Cookie Dough Chimneys & Toblerone Rooftops A Collection Of Poems Stars in the Beautiful Dark

Stars in the Beautiful Dark
Cookie Dough Chimneys
Toblerone Rooftops